Support Us
Friends, Associates and Patrons of the Stonyhurst Museum & Archives
Expanding the work of, and access to, the Stonyhurst Museum & Archives relies on the support of others through generous donations. In 2022, an annual programme was established to better acknowledge this invaluable assistance, to provide greater access to supporters, and to make it easier to give financial support to help the Museum & Archives.
Friends, Associates and Patrons of the Stonyhurst Museum & Archives gain annual benefits for their support, along with the knowledge that they are helping to safeguard and increase access to this unique and significant educational and cultural resource, which was founded in 1609.
More information about the benefits of joining us as a Friend, Associate or Patron can be found in the brochure below. To join, please complete the form in the section below.
If you have any questions about the programme, or if you are interested in giving this as a gift to a friend or family member, please contact us at
Friends, Associates & Patrons Brochure
We gratefully acknowledge the support of all Friends, Associates & Patrons of the Museum & Archives, those who support us anonymously and those named here:
Associates of the Museum & Archives |
Patrons of the Museum & Archives |
John Mulholland (OS 71) |
Michael Coffey |
Alison Thomson |
Claudia & Wolfgang Sonnleitner |
Diana Thomson | Thomas O'Maoileoin |