Fee Support

If we strongly believe that the pupil would thrive at Stonyhurst and would contribute positively to the school community, we will endeavour to make a Stonyhurst education affordable for them.



Foundation Transformational Bursaries

These are full boarding bursaries up to the value of 100%. These awards enable the opportunity for any young person to flourish at Stonyhurst, regardless of his/her background or financial circumstances. Preference is given to Roman Catholic candidates.

The Foundation Bursary Application Process

Step 1 - Parents/guardians must first register for a place online and follow up with an email to the Admissions Team to request bursary support.

Step 2 - Parents/guardians are then required to complete an online application form (sent from the Finance Director's Office) which seeks to establish the financial circumstances of the household. The completed forms, together with the necessary documentary evidence, are to be submitted to the Finance Director within two weeks of the online form being issued.

Step 3 - The Finance Director assesses all applications in order to establish the likely level of support which will be required in order to allow the child to attend the school. This may involve the Bursar and Clerk to the Governors, or their representative, visiting the parents’/guardians’ home to ensure the information has been correctly interpreted and the basis of the financial assessment has been fair.

Step 4 - The Finance Director prepares a recommendation in accordance with the Stonyhurst confidential scale of awards which is considered with the Headmasters and a joint recommendation is then reached. There will be an expectation for all families to have met either the Heads of Schools or Director of Admissions as part of the application process.

Step 5 - The parents/guardians are advised whether their child is to be offered a place at the school and of the bursary offer.

Step 6 - Parents/guardians are then required to sign a letter accepting the place at the school and an acknowledgement agreeing to any conditions relating to the bursary.



In assessing a child’s suitability for the award of a Foundation Bursary, attention will be given to the academic assessment results of each applicant but potential will also be considered as well as actual achievement. Bursary funds are limited and those judged most suitable will be given priority as those likely to gain most from the educational provision. Each pupil to whom support is offered must be, in the opinion of the respective Headmaster, likely to make sound academic progress following admission and possess the potential to develop the quality of his or her work and benefit from participation in the wider, extracurricular activities on offer at the school. In normal circumstances, each applicant should meet the school’s normal academic requirements. Previous school reports will be consulted for evidence of good behaviour.

*Please note The Foundation Bursary application process is subject to change.

The Stonyhurst Foundation

All bursaries at Stonyhurst are funded through The Foundation via donations and fundraising activities. The goal of the Foundation is to remove financial barriers, making a Stonyhurst education available to as many young people as possible.  The Stonyhurst Foundation aims to be the largest ring-fenced independent bursary and fee assistance charity of its kind in Catholic independent education in the UK.

The objective of the Stonyhurst Foundation is the advancement of education for the public benefit. The Stonyhurst Foundation aims to achieve this objective by making a Stonyhurst education available to pupils who otherwise would not have the benefit of it.

Visit The Stonyhurst Foundation website

Ready to apply?

To apply for a Stonyhurst Foundation Bursary, please click the button below and send an email to Admissions. Find out more about applying for a place, click here

Email Admissions

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