Virtual Open Day
Open Day Every Day
Using the latest software, the first to be used by an independent boarding school, our Virtual Open Day platform gives you the opportunity to access a Stonyhurst College Open Event from anywhere in the world.
There are two versions of the event - the live event and the 'Open Day Every Day'. The ‘Open Day Every Day’ is accessible on the website 24/7 for you to gather subject information, meet our pupils and teachers via video content, and note down any questions in preparation for a live event.
During a live event, the Auditorium will be unlocked where you will be able to listen to speeches from our Headmaster and Deputy Head Academic about Stonyhurst’s values and the academic pathways available. You will also be sent an agenda where you will have dedicated time slots to speak to teachers at each subject stand in real-time and ask any questions you may have.
If you would like to know more about how to use the platform, please visit the Reception Desk where you can watch a video tutorial on how to use the platform and navigate with ease.
These events will in no way replace the physical Open Events but will run alongside in order to provide an additional and more innovative way for prospective families to learn more about Stonyhurst.