Covid-19 Information

Keeping our community safe

Stonyhurst is a member of the Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA) and has been working closely with the organisation throughout the COVID-19 outbreak. The BSA has published a COVID-Safe Charter and Stonyhurst is proud to follow this and pledges to ensure full compliance with all Government rules and guidance to meet the requirements stated in the Charter. 

The BSA COVID-Safe Charter has been created to give parents and pupils confidence that a school is taking appropriate measures to ensure that the classrooms and residential accommodation are a safe place to live and work. By officially following the Charter, as a boarding school we will be maintaining the highest standards of welfare for the children in our care.  Included in the Charter are requirements prior to reopening schools, procedures for both domestic and international pupil arrivals and appropriate measures to adopt for all pupils and staff while in school.

Click here to read the BSA COVID-Safe Charter >

Stonyhurst constantly monitors all advice issued by relevant bodies, including the Government, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Public Health England, and the Boarding Schools’ Association, amongst others. All Stonyhurst College staff and pupils have the capability to deliver teaching and learning via our Virtual Learning Environment Stonyhurst Anywhere. This is part of our teaching & learning suite of software, used extensively within school and which is accessible from any internet-enabled device, via the Stonyhurst website.

Click here to learn more about Virtual Learning at Stonyhurst College

Click here to learn more about Virtual Learning at Stonyhurst St Mary's Hall

We are confident in our preparations, systems, policies and procedures. Stonyhurst reviews its stance daily to ensure we have explored every avenue for the care of our pupils, both domestic and international. We are proud of how our community has worked together during these unprecedented times and we keep all of those who have been affected by the pandemic in our prayers.


For more information please contact:


Mr John Browne

Mr John Browne

Titles: Head of Stonyhurst
Mr Steven Whitford

Mr Steven Whitford

Titles: Finance Director
Mrs Helen Eastham

Mrs Helen Eastham

Titles: Director of Admissions and Marketing

Useful documents

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