Year 9 overview

A curriculum centred on the individual

Our aim in Lower Grammar (year 9) is to build on the content and skills that pupils learn in Figures (year 7) and Rudiments (year 8) and to begin to specialise in a limited number of subjects, namely arts subjects and modern languages in preparation for GCSEs.  In a Jesuit school we stress the importance of an academic curriculum for each individual. This means a broad and stretching experience for those who can cope with it and a suitably tailored offer for less able pupils. At the end of the LG year each pupil continues with a core of English, Maths, Religious Studies, and at least one language and one science, and then makes a choice to pursue typically four more subjects to GCSE.

Pupils are placed in sets for English, Maths and Languages, according to their performance in Rudiments (year 8), or other relevant assessments such as Common Entrance. It is perfectly possible for a pupil to be in Set 1 for one subject and a lower set for another, as pupils have different aptitudes in different subjects.  For other subjects our pupils are assigned to teaching groups based on their general ability.