Miss Parkinson, Higher Line tutor, was invited to a reception at the Italian Embassy to learn more about this international university. Over 50% of courses are delivered in English, and the university stresses the importance of developing inquiring learners who take risks – very familiar concepts to Stonyhurst IB students! Being part of a global community, as at Stonyhurst, helps to develop adaptability and emotional intelligence in preparation for being innovative and creative global citizens. A Luiss alumnus, co-founder of king.com (developers of Candy Crush), emphasised the value of friends made at school and university: learning to work together as preparation for business but more importantly establishing lifelong relationships. Like Stonyhurst, the university looks to the future but also prides itself on being rooted in academic tradition and culture. The Rector’s quotation of Gustav Mahler was entirely apposite for a Jesuit school: “Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.” Two OS already attend Luiss, and we look forward to developing links as part of the careers programme.