Stonyhurst rated Excellent in all areas of latest inspection


Stonyhurst College and its Prep School, Stonyhurst St Mary’s Hall, have been awarded the highest possible rating of ‘Excellent in all areas’ following an inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), maintaining its global reputation for outstanding teaching and care in the competitive independent school sector.

Stonyhurst underwent a comprehensive inspection of its teaching, pastoral care, facilities and extra-curricular provision in April 2023 as part of the regular inspection procedures for independent schools. The key findings of the report acknowledged the excellence of the school in every area under inspection. The dedication of the school in fulfilling its aims and the outstanding achievements of the pupils in academic studies and attitudes to learning, in addition to personal development were subjects of particular praise.

The report recognised the high standards of academic achievement of the pupils, stating that ‘pupils of all ages and abilities display excellent attitudes towards their learning’, and ‘possess strong study skills and take an inquiry-based approach to their studies’ with their academic and other achievements being ‘wide and varied, and highly accomplished’. Pupils were found to be ‘highly articulate and speak with eloquence when addressing others’.

From a personal development perspective, the report documents that ‘pupils of all ages show excellent levels of self-understanding’ and ‘show strong levels of perseverance when faced with challenges’. Pupils were found to ‘demonstrate high levels of self-esteem’.

On global matters, ‘pupils have a highly developed sense of social awareness; they are passionate about making a difference and fully committed to helping others through service and voluntary work’, ‘pupils have a strong appreciation for the multi-cultural nature and diversity of the school community’, and ‘the overwhelming majority of parents agreed that the school actively promotes values of democracy, respect and tolerance of other people’, a reflection of Stonyhurst’s aim to develop men and women with a global outlook who can play a positive role in the world as outstanding people of the future.

Headmaster, John Browne, said:

‘I am thrilled that Stonyhurst has been awarded the highest possible rating by the ISI in all areas of the latest inspection. Stonyhurst not only achieved full regulatory compliance but also secured a finding of ‘Excellent’ in both the main inspection headings: for the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements, and the quality of the pupils' personal development.

The inspectors saw Stonyhurst in all its glory and celebrated us as a Jesuit community where everyone plays their part for our children and young people.’

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