Individual Health Needs
Medical Conditions and Records
Staff are made aware of pupils in their year / class group who have individual healthcare needs and/ or any long-term conditions. Brief information about a pupil’s medical conditions and pupil specific care plans are available on the school’s ISAMS data base. This is to raise staff awareness of any additional needs whilst also maintaining pupil safety in school or when travelling off site on external visits.
Individual Health care plans (IHCP) are shared with boarding and key teaching staff to maintain a pupil's safety in school and provide continuity of care. It is the responsibility of parents to update the Health Centre staff of any changes in their child’s condition, medication, or care. Where alterations need to be made, an IHCP will be updated and a copy will be shared with staff at the earliest opportunity, raising their awareness to the changes.
IHCP’s are completed in conjunction with specialist nurses, doctors, the nursing team, parents, and the pupil.
"I can’t tell you how impressed I am over the wonderful care Felina has received during her time with Covid. She has such luxury at her disposal there ; en-suite , friends, and the best medical attention! I’m utterly indebted to everyone with a hand in her care ( tough act to follow!)"
Current Parent
We are here for you
The Health Centre nursing staff liaise and work closely with parents with key external stakeholders, such as specialist nurses and doctors, in relation to pupils who have long-term conditions or health needs.
"I would like to thank all the medical staff, from me and all the other students, of your service to Stonyhurst, you are highly appreciated. Our gratitude to the medical team cannot be expressed. Thank you for your services."
Guiliano, Poetry
For More Information
To find out more about our health centre support or to discuss our resources in further detail, please contact us by clicking on the buttons below: