Infection Control

Infection Control 

Pupils presenting with an infectious illness are nursed in isolation in line with Stonyhurst college Infection control policy. The Health & Wellbeing team complete annual Infection control training. 

In line with UK government and NHS guidelines we no longer routinely test pupils for Covid 19 unless they present as symptomatic.

Staff who become ill with an infectious illness must ensure they are free of infectious illness for up to 48 hours before returning to work and must call their line manager at the earliest opportunity to inform of their non-attendance.  

"Just to say how impressed I was with the professionalism of the Coronavirus testing set-up when I came for my test on Saturday, many thanks to you and all your team, I appreciate how much effort it must have taken to set it all up." 

Barbara Church-Taylor, Catering Manager

Day Pupils

Where a day pupil display’s recognisable symptoms of the COVID-19 Virus (temperature above 37.8, new and persistent cough, and/or change in sense of taste and smell), parents are asked to keep them at home and obtain a test at a NHS testing site, as soon as possible. Close contacts within school will be identified and informed to self-isolate. Parents should immediately inform the School if the test is positive, if a child should fall ill whilst at School, they will be isolated and parents will be asked to collect them as soon as possible.

Boarding Pupils

Should a boarding pupil display the recognisable symptoms of the COVID-19 Virus (temperature above 37.8, new and persistent cough, and/or change in sense of taste and smell), we will arrange for them to be tested straight away either via a home kit or at a NHS testing site. Boarding pupils who are required to self-isolate will stay in the isolation facilities until a negative result is obtained or their period of self-isolation passes. If they remain well enough they will be allowed to access lessons remotely via Stonyhurst anywhere.

COVID-19 and Mental Wellbeing

It is known that Covid can heighten health anxieties and long periods of enforced self-isolation will significantly impact upon the mental wellbeing of young people, therefore we have integrated the regular use of the Core 10 assessment tool for all COVID inpatients requiring a period of self-isolation, allowing frequent monitoring of mental wellbeing. Where scores are observed to be elevated or show an increase during admission, referral for a virtual consultation with the School counsellor and / or GP will be offered.

Routine Health Centre Clinics

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, pupils are in the first instance asked to contact the Health Centre for a virtual Microsoft Teams consultation with a nurse. Following this assessment students will be offered either self-care advice, a face-to-face appointment or GP referral, whichever is deemed necessary. Appointed clinics have been introduced to coincide with recreational times throughout the day, to limit disruption to pupil-learning. In an emergency, students are seen immediately. 

Referrals to GP’s and specialist services are made as necessary and ongoing nursing support will continue to be provided.

Infection Control

Pupils presenting with an infectious illness are nursed in isolation in line with Stonyhurst college Infection control policy. The Health Centre team complete annual Infection control training. 

Staff who become ill with an infectious illness must ensure they are free of infectious illness for up to 48 hours before returning to work and must call their line manager at the earliest opportunity to inform of their non-attendance.  

For More Information

To find out more about our health centre support or to discuss our resources in further detail, please contact us by clicking on the buttons below:

+44 (0) 1254 827100

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